In-home lactation consultation
Positioning and latch problems
Difficulties and evaluation of milk transfer
Sore or damaged nipples
Infant weight loss or slow gain
Plugged ducts and/or Mastitis
Feeding with a history of breast surgery
Large, flat or inverted nipples
Low milk supply
Overactive let-down and/or fast flow
Tongue restriction/Tongue-tie
Breastfeeding multiples
Tandem Breastfeeding
Bottle refusal and supplemental feedings
Returning to work
Induced Lactation and Relactation /Adoptive Breastfeeding
Tandem Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding older babies
Transitioning to whole foods
Making your own baby food
Returning to work
…and more
What to expect
Breastfeeding education and support
Comprehensive health history of mother including ob/gyn, birth and breastfeeding
Comprehensive health history of infant
Physical examination including assessment of mother's vital signs and breasts
Physical examination of baby's oral anatomy evaluating for a tongue/lip tie, rooting and sucking reflex
Baby’s weight pre- and post-feeding
Assessment and hands-on assistance while feeding
Personalized and detailed care plan
Reporting to the mother's and baby’s health care provider
A superbill receipt for insurance purposes
We specialize in helping mothers who have not given birth be able to breastfeed their babies. Whether you have adopted, used a surrogate or are a lesbian partner we will work with you and your family to assist you in achieving your breastfeeding goals. Please contact us to see how we can help.